Ashie's Lil Web Page Thingy
Home | A Little Info About Me | Family and Friends | My Pets | Misc. Pictures | Personal Info | Favorite Links | Contact Me

Welcome to my own little "Ashley World"...jk

Here you'll learn all about me: my interests and hobbies, the people in my family, my pets, and more.

The picture to your right is my high school graduation picture.

Please write me emails with any comments or reactions you have to my site.

Christmas 2004
Phil and Me
Added Jan 2005


This is a picture of me and my best friend Corie. This picture was taken on our balcony of our vacation condo in Myrtle Beach, SC. In the background you can see the Altantic Ocean. To see more picture from the trip visit the family and freinds section of the site.


A door; Actual size=180 pixels wide

What's New?
I have finished my two years at College of DuPage, and I am currenly in my third year of school at Elmhurst College in Elmhurst, IL. I am currently pursuing a career in elementary education right now. Write me!!!

10/28/01- No updates yet, I just published this site. Sorry :(
3/9/02- Well I realize that it is a little late for this, but Happy New Year! Not much to update on... same old, same old...
8/29/03- Well Well it was been a long while since I made an update. So where to start...I started attending Elmhurst College on August 25, 2003 which so happens to be my anniversary with my boyfriend Phil of 5 years now.So we celebrated the Saturday before on August 23. We had a great day he took my shopping and bought me a 12 disc changer for the trunk of my car. He is really a sweat guy and my true love!! We went to Medival Times later in the evening and that was awsome and our knight even won, it was a lot of fun.
1/19/05- I have added a picture of me and Phil from Christmas Day 2004. I am still at Elmhust College persuing a degree in Elementary Education. I am student teaching in the Fal 2005 and then graduating in February 2006. Phil is graudating this Spring (2005) with degrees in Business Management and Economics, he has a double major. Phil is doing an intership with a company this Spring and hopes to work for them after he graduates or go to law school next year.